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Welcome to the Romance Scammers Dating blog , my name is Joko Trimulyanto or Joko Aza   from Bogor City West Java Indonesia , in writing this blog based on my experiences and occurred since the year 2012 and until now I still get this kind of email from a lady from some countries to obtain a husband or looking for a mate and want to learn ( study) in my country , and I spoke with email communication to get the real information and I very carefully studied , whether or not this fraud , because of communication with some of the questions always never get the right answer . I suspect that he is actually using the website or use an autoresponder that has been in setting the date of dispatch of the letter . And I will publish all the emails I get .In conclusion when he asked in send money for a variety of reasons it is a scam and you should not want to send money for any reason .Ok hopefully this blog can be useful and helpful to be aware of such letters .Happy reading .

 Joko Trimulyanto  ( )
 Joko Aza  ( )


  1. your right you never get answers to questions raised and I have advised this person that the game is up after reading your post. is also going by the following emails too from Tarzhok and

    1. This email is coming in my mail box and a lot of emails like this wants to be friends and be friends even wanted to become husband and I did reply to the email by asking the question but did not get an answer but to talk about other things, my goal is to test whether he wants to use the settings email: (Out of Office auto-reply:
      (sends an automated reply to incoming messages. If a contact sends you several messages, this automated reply will be sent at most once every 4 days) or not and in the end he will ask for some money for visa, airline tickets, there are also are asked to pay for an apartment and others. so it's hard to distinguish serious or not, writing a long letter usually copy and paste, instead of his own at the time. maybe I can explain it. and I say thank you for your visit and comments.


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