Tuesday, November 11, 2014

So you can stand

Have you ever had this experience? You have finally found the courage that "special girl" on a date, dinner and a movie to ask. Without hesitation, she gave a nervous "yes!". Maybe you've even spoken on the phone and clicked both felt good. Date was planned and finally comes on Saturday night. You are dressed in your best shirt, nice shoes, with money to spend, and wait at the meeting point of the restoration.

Takes about 30 minutes and your thinking "OK, no problem, it's just too late." So, you ask the waiter for another drink and wait a little longer. Now the time has passed and begin wondering whether you call his cell phone, nothing. You call home, nothing. You call her pager, nothing.

And then you realize in the stomach to stand up. It is a "no-show" and had no idea that this would happen. What to do then? Well, if you are angry at situations like this and blow your top, please read the following tips can help you keep your composure.

1. You must understand that you have the right to renounce date. You do not have or had expectations. Yes I know it was rude, but still, you should not take rejection personally.

2. Be honest with yourself to realize that his anger over this rejection is their need for satisfying another person who is not used correctly. Make sure you can continue to do better and find someone less flaky.

3. Instead of getting all bent out of shape and spend the night mad, the experience as a springboard for a good time that night. And he will not remember to argue or leave hateful messages. Let go. You are about such actions.

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